“Amazing week working for Kathleen Blackwell’s Project Electrico album. Incredible musicians and even better human beings.” – Diego López (Engineer for #ProjectELECTRICO)
Session selfies at Veneto West studio today hanging with “THE THUNDER BROS” on bass: TONY NEWTON (Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross & The Supremes, etc.) JAY TERRIEN (Stevie Wonder, Moby, Rihanna, etc.) DOT TODMAN (Vocal Goddess & “Jamadian”) CoreVocalPower.com / DotsVoiceStudios.com plus an incredible day making Art & Music with Ronan Chris Murphy & Diego Lopez. KB be giddy. In abundance to their musical genius, technical prowess, and positive energy—they are each near and dear to my heart!
Just wait till you HEAR the madness that ensued and we’ve created! #OnlyInLA ProjectELECTRICO.com
- Kathleen Blackwell & Tony Newton
- Kathleen Blackwell & Jay Terrien
- Kathleen Blackwell & Dot Todman